“People like to debate a lot. They never estimate the value of big contribution of these people.
They have given Ashok Chakra for Karkare
paradox !”
This was the retort of an Indian inhabitant when he heard the news that Railway announcer bablu was awarded just 500 Rs as a reimbursement for his gallantry stuff. This valiant hero was behind saving the lives of hundreds of people on Railway platform on 26/11. The most haunting evening for the courageous man went into veins when he waited for a compensation for 5 months and received half a thousand bucks. When terrorists were in their most cruel firing at CST Mumbai, this announcer showed all his courage to save several lives along with the police constables on the spot.
Our Railway department must be feeling thankful to such acts on that day but really these heroes are forgotten over a period of time. Is there something our Government really needs to think to provoke such bravery acts? Is the Railway department just happy with the good budgets or the time has come when they really need to think about the security of citizens?
All these questions arise time to time but also get forgotten with all flaming consequences.
Should the time be changed and citizens along with an independent and unbiased media put these questions to the responsible bureaucrats?